Write Authorities about Human Trafficking in the Annapolis Valley of Nova Scotia.
Join the Resistance!
Write Your Local Authorities!
Write your MLA and Provincial Leaders hand written, as well as email letters, one letter a month. Research shows written letters are powerful. Write on one topic per month or write about all 12 topics each month. You don't have to say a lot, just say what you want ... and be encouraging, too, they have a tough job, so thank them for what they are doing ... but be bold and demand change now!
Commercial rape must be eradicated from our community!
Write them about issues like:
1. Women needing to receive compassionate reception when reporting being trafficked.
2. Women not needing to testify about sex trafficking in person, in front of their pimp, but through video.
3. That all RCMP receive training in human / sex trafficking sensitivity and trauma informed care.
4. That all judges, first-responders and health care workers be trained in sex trafficking sensitivity and trauma informed care.
5. Allow the RCMP to arrest a suspect of sex trafficking just like they can now arrest a suspect of domestic violence.
6. Treat women with kindness and gentleness and special reception when they come forward to report a sex trafficking violation (not in a cold, authority "police" room, but with plain clothes female personnel and in a warm environment).
7. Not to legalize prostitution.
8. Prosecute all buyers of sex with prison, fines and publicizing their names.
9. To put an end to the commercial rape in our province.
10. Mandate elementary school presentations in grade 5 to explain the dangers of luring online.
11. Demand "John Stings" by the RCMP with tough penalties for those looking to buy sex.
12. Demand the end to commercial rape in Nova Scotia and the sale / export of girls from our community.
Office of the Premier - Honourable Tim Houston
Phone: (902) 424-6600
Email: PREMIER@novascotia.ca
Mailing Address:
The Honourable Tim Houston
P.O. Box 726
Halifax, NS B3J 2T3
MP Kody Blois
Email: Kody.Blois@parl.gc.ca
Write Him at His Hill Office (postage-free)
Kody Blois, MP
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario,
Canada K1A 0A6
Prime Minister, The Right Honourable Justin Trudeau
Leader of the Liberal Party
Email: justin.trudeau@parl.gc.ca
Write Him at His Hill Office (postage-free)
The Right Honourable Justin Trudeau, P.C., M.P.
Prime Minister of Canada,
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario,
Canada K1A 0A6
The Honourable Pierre Poilievre
Leader of the Conservative Party of Canada
Email: pierre.poilievre@parl.gc.ca
Write Him at His Hill Office (postage-free)
The Honourable Pierre Poilievre
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario,
Canada K1A 0A6
The Honourable Yves-François Blanchet
Leader of the Bloc Québécois
Email: Yves-Francois.Blanchet@parl.gc.ca
Write Him at His Hill Office (postage-free)
The Honourable Yves-François Blanchet
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario,
Canada K1A 0A6
The Honourable Jagmeet Singh
Leader of the New Democratic Party
Email: Jagmeet.Singh@parl.gc.ca
Write Him at His Hill Office (postage-free)
The Honourable Jagmeet Singh
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario,
K1A 0A6
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The graphic used for this conference is meant to depict the heart of the ones we hope to help. Feeling trapped within themselves or in their circumstances, yet inwardly reaching out or hoping for, or open to help.