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Adoption Support

Call or Text us Today at 902-678-6217

YES WE ARE HERE FOR YOU. We are available any time 24/7 by simply calling or texting us at 902-678-6217.

Due to COVID restrictions, our physical office is closed, but we are available to talk or video chat with you.


We realize that those who are pregnant and looking for support or abortion during this difficult time may face many roadblocks and frustrations and stress. We exist to help support you during this challenging time. 

​In an effort to protect you, and all of our vulnerable guests, and to minimize the transmission of COVID-19, we will be enacting some new policies until further notice.

Therefore, if you have symptoms of fever/feverish, new or existing cough or difficulty breathing or have traveled internationally (outside Canada) or outside of the province within the last 14 days or have had close contact with a confirmed or probable COVID-19 case or had close contact with a person with acute respiratory illness who has been outside Canada or outside the province in the last 14 days, we ask that you not come in to the Centre (even when the office is open), but call and we can help you remotely.

These types of policies are being implemented across Canada. It is our hope that we will be a part of minimizing transmission, at the same time as providing much needed services to our community.


If you have any questions about our services please text or call us. We are here for you.

Text or Call us Today at 902-678-6217 

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